Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ron Paul: The Libertarian's Repbublican

The tough part about being a Libertarian is that it gets really old losing all those presidential elections. Every once in a while it would be great if a candidate appeared that us classical liberals agreed with AND had a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

Well, our day has arrived! Meet Ron Paul. As his website will tell you many, many times "Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation's capital". The nice things is, unlike most plugs for politicians, this statement actually seems to be true. Although I don't agree with him on all counts, he is, by far, the best candidate for those who have Libertarian leanings but could never quite see the point of voting for a 3rd party or those Libertarians who at least want to make a big step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, all those things that makes him politically attractive also make him unpopular with the Republican mainstream. The strange thing about it is that he represents what the Republicans were and should be, and for that he is hated (or at least strongly disliked) by others in his party. This, of course, gives him a slim chance of gaining his party's ticket for President, but there's always hope. But, after all, I'm a Libertarian, so I'm used to supporting long-shots.

So anyway, go to his website (, if you missed it), read what he's about, watch some of the videos, and if you like what you see, let people know. There's actually talk of creating a Students for Ron Paul organization on campus if there is enough support, so you never know what may happen. At the very least you'll come out more informed than when you went in, and that's never a bad thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beware THE Stoph. THE Stoph is an evil person that wants to blow up Earth.

This Stoph, however, is an imposter, so it's OK to read whatever he writes b/c his will is good :)