Monday, September 10, 2007

Free Market Cure

Here is an answer to all the people who tell me Canadians are happy with their health care system and that ours should be just like it:

I haven't read through the whole site yet, just watched the videos, but they're very enlightening. Enjoy.


Berto said...

The strange thing is that this site may be right, but it is drawing the wring conclusions. American health care spends a ridiculous amount of money on the last months of a person's life. This is the stage wherein health care is the least efficacious. The possibility of saving a life means that we must spend a large sum of money to do so. This is contrasted against a much more cost-effective preventative care. Early prevention and diffuse care will ultimately save more lives and be cheaper. The main issue with socialized health care is that certain treatments are not deemed "worth it." This may seem inhumane and arbitrary, but it is all a balancing act. Standard of care overall will go up (with costs going down), but an elderly man might die a couple months earlier than he would without extensive care.

Chris Dunkel said...

Of course that begs the question; are people under socilized medical systems actually getting preventative care? I agree that preventative care is the best way to live a long life and avoid high medical bills in your later years. But setting up a system where people can't get medical treatment even though there are empty beds and willing doctors is not the answer. I'm not saying our system is perfect. Far from it. All I'm saying is that I'm glad I'm not a Canadian citizen who needs surgery.